[India] Krishna Godavari - KG D6 Ruby FPSO

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[India] Krishna Godavari - KG D6 Ruby FPSO

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Krishna Godavari Basin


Basin Introduction :

Extensive deltaic plain formed by two large east coast rivers, Krishna and Godavari in the state of Andhra Pradesh and the 16adjoining areas of Bay of Bengal in which these rivers discharge their water is known as Krishna Godavari Basin. The Krishna Godavari Basin is a proven petroliferous basin of continental margin located on the east coast of India .Its onland part covers an area of 15000 sq. km and the offshore part covers an area of 25,000 sq. km up to 1000 m isobath. The basin contains about 5 km thick sediments with several cycles of deposition, ranging in age from Late Carboniferous to Pleistocene.

The major geomorphologic units of the Krishna Godavari basin are Upland plains, Coastal plains, Recent Flood and Delta Plains.

The climate is hot and humid with temperature reaching up to 42 degree C during summer. The mean day temperature varies between 35 C and 40 C during summer and 25 C and 30 C during winter.

Geological/ Geophysical Surveys

ONGC has carried out detailed geological mapping in the area covering 4220 sq. km since 1959. Geological map of Krishna Godavari Basin.

Gravity-Magnetic surveys, in onland part have been carried out by ONGC over an area of 19,200 sq. km. In offshore area, M/s. Prakla Seismos and GSI acquired the gravity-magnetic data for ONGC. Composite Bouguer gravity and composite magnetic anomaly map

Seismic Coverage

Conventional single fold surveys were initiated in 1965 and upto 1973 about 2,690 line km of data was acquired. CDP surveys commenced in 1973 and so far about 34,642 Line Km. data with foldage varying from 6 to 48 have been acquired. ONGC has also carried out 2,325 Sq. Km. 3D seismic in onland area.

In offshore area, the first surveys of regional nature were carried out during 1964-65. These surveys were followed by multifold 2D / 3D seismic surveys, in shallow to deep waters and transition zone. As on 1st April 2005,(Figures of year 07-08 are to be taken instead of 2005 ) more than 74,753 Line Km. 2D and 26,508 Sq. Km. 3D seismic surveys have been carried out.

Additionally, during 1972-74, 2,028 km. Refraction data was acquired to study the basement configuration and also shallow reflectors.

More than 225 prospects have been probed by drilling of more than 557 exploratory wells. Hydrocarbon accumulations have been proven in 75 of these prospects (22 oil & 53 gas). Notable oil discoveries are Kaikalur, Vadali, Mori, Bantumilli, Lingala, Suryaraopeta, Gopavaram, Kesanapalli, and Kesanapalli West. The gas discoveries are Adavipalem, Elamanchili, Enugupalli, Narsapur, Razole, Tatipaka-Kadali, Pasarlapudi, Mandapeta, Chintalapalli. Nandigama, Endamuru, Penumadam, Ponnamanda, Achanta, Mullikipalle, Magatapalli, Gokarnapuram, Kesavadasapalem, Lakshamaneshwaram, Rangapuram and Sirikattapalli.

In onshore, so far 141 prospects have been probed by 375 exploratory wells by ONGC, out of which 11 oil & gas pools and 31 gas pools have been discovered and most of them are on production. In offshore ,Sso far more than 84 prospects have been probed by 182 exploratory wells .

Hydrocarbon accumulations have been proved in 33 of these prospects (11 oil & gas and 22 gas prospects). About nineteen discoveries have been made by Pvt./JV companies so far in NELP blocks (Fifteen Dhirubhai discoveries by RIL in blocks KG-DWN-98/3 and KG-OSN-2001/2, three discoveries by Cairn Energy Pty. Ltd. (CEIL) in block KG-DWN-98/2 within Mio-Pliocene, 3 discovery by ONGC in the block KG-DWN-98/2 within Plio-Pleistocene sandstone of Godavari formation and one discovery by GSPC in block KG-OSN-2001/3 within Lower Cretaceous). To check the above the shallow and a deepwater discoveries.

Tectonic History :

Krishna Godavari Basin is a Continental passive margin pericratonic basin. The basin came into existence following rifting along eastern continental margin of Indian Craton in early Mesozoic. The down to the basement faults which define the series of horst and grabens cascading down towards the ocean are aligned NE-SW along Precambrian Eastern Ghat trend.

The geological history comprises of following stages:
  • Rift Stage:The basin got initiated through rift / syn-rift tectonics between Permo-Triassic to Early Cretaceous and is essentially characterized by lagoonal to fluvial to occasionally brackish water sediments. The northeastern part of the present onland basin was part of an intra cratonic rift set up till Jurassic that constituted the southeastern extension of NW-SE trending continental rift valley slopping northward. The basin has been initiated through rifting during Permo-Triassic period.
  • Syn Rift Stage: The early stage synrift sediments were deposited during early subsidence by tectonic fault systems. Basin subsidence continued along basement bound fault system accommodating synrift sediments of late Jurassic to early Cretaceous.
  • Drift Stage:Rift to drift transition is marked by a southerly/ southeasterly tilt of the basin leading to widespread marine transgression during Cretaceous and deposition of marine shale sequence followed by onset of overall regressive phase during Late Cretaceous, represented by a deltaic sequence comprising Tirupati Sandstone with dominant arenaceous facies. During Maastrichtian-Danian, the basin experienced major volcanic activity (Razole Volcanism) covering 1600 sq. km. area and having span of 5.5 million years.
  • Late Drift Stage:Initial soft collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates and initiation of Matsyapuri-Palakollu fault appears to have greatly influenced the Paleogene and younger tectonic regiment and the consequent sedimentation pattern.
  • Sediment induced Neogene tectonics: Increased gradients for the river systems and increased sediment load coupled with significant sea level falls during Neogene had triggered sediment induced tectonics in the shelf and slope parts of the basin creating highly prospective exploration locales. Some of the recent very significant discoveries in these settings had opened new hydrocarbon opportunities in the Krishna-Godavari basin and necessitated re-estimation of its hydrocarbon resource potential.
The five major tectonic elements of the basin are- Krishna Graben, Bapatla Horst, West Godavari Sub basin, Tanuku Horst and East Godavari sub basin.

Generalized Statrigraphy :

In the northwestern and western margins of the basin, out crops of Achaean crystallines and sediments ranging in age from Late Permian to Pliocene are present. However, major part of the basin is covered by alluvium/sea. The geological map of the basin shows the details of outcrop belt .

The outcrop and sub-crop lithologic information has been gathered from a large numbers of wells drilled in the shelfal area and onland.
  • The stratigraphy has been worked out.
  • Litho – Stratigraphy Nomenclature.

Depositional Environment

Four distinct depositional systems have been recognized in Krishna Godavari basin. These are – Godavari delta system, Masulipatnam shelf slope system and Nizampatinam shelf –slope system and Krishna delta system.

The maximum thickness of the sediments in Krishna Godavari basin is around 5000 m. Controlling factor of the thick pile of sediments is presence of long linear Gondwana rift valley. Palaeontological evidences suggest a period of slow sedimentation and subsidence but changes in water depth during deposition.
  • Tertiary Play : Principal Depositional Elements from Shelfal Staging Area to Basin-Plain
  • Krishna Godavari Basin – Depositional Model of the Shallow Offshore
  • Seismic section showing spread of Pliocene Channel- Levee complexes and Overbank deposits

Petroleum System :

Krishna-Godavari basin is a proven petroliferous basin with commercial hydrocarbon accumulations in the oldest Permo-Triassic Mandapeta Sandstone onland to the youngest Pleistocene channel levee complexes in deep water offshore. The basin has been endowed with four petroleum systems, which can be classified broadly into two categories viz. Pre-Trappean and Post-Trappean in view of their distinct tectonic and sedimentary characteristics. Seismic imaging of Pre-Trappean section poses problems in terms of data quality.

Source rich areas at different stratigraphic levels
  • Hydrocarbon Generation Centres in Cretaceous.
  • Hydrocarbon Generation Centres in Paleocene.
  • Hydrocarbon Generation Centres in Eocene.
Pre -Trappean Petroleum System

Permo-Triassic Kommugudem-Mandapeta-Red Bed Petroleum System
This is the oldest known petroleum system in the basin.
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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The MJ project is the third phase of Block KG D6 development off the east coast of India. Together three projects are expected to develop a total of about 3 trillion cubic feet of discovered gas resources. MJ field is located approximately 20 miles offshore and in 2,300-3,600 feet water depth. Seven subsea wells will tie-back to a new Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel to process and separate liquids. Gas will be exported to the onshore terminal through an existing 24-inch pipeline.

Location India
Operator Reliance
Partners Reliance (66.67%), BP (33.33%)
Project type Conventional gas
Start-up 2022
Peak annual average production, gross ~90 mboed
Peak annual average production, net ~30 mboed
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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KG D6 R Cluster

The R Cluster project is the first of three projects in Block KG D6 off the east coast of India. The gas field is located approximately 45 miles offshore in water-depths of more than 6,500 feet. The R Cluster project was developed as a six well subsea tie back to the existing control and riser platform off Block KG D6.

Location India
Operator Reliance
Partners Reliance (66.67%), BP (33.33%)
Project type Dry gas
Start-up December 2020
Peak annual average production, gross ~90 mboed
Peak annual average production, net
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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KG D6 Satellites

The Satellites project is the second of three projects in Block KG D6 off the east coast of India. It is a dry gas development and comprises four discoveries in 4,300 - 6,200 feet water depth. It will be developed as a five well subsea tie back to the existing control and riser platform off Block KG D6. KG D6 integrated development is aimed at delivering one billion standard cubic feet gross production a day by 2022 and supports country agenda by increasing domestic gas supply.

Location India
Operator Reliance
Partners Reliance (66.67%), BP (33.33%)
Project type Dry gas
Start-up 2021
Peak annual average production, gross ~45 mboed
Peak annual average production, net ~15 mboed
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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Reliance and bp start up second new deepwater gas field in India’s KG D6 block
  • Satellite Cluster field comes onstream two months ahead of schedule despite Covid-19 challenges
  • Second in trio of developments together expected to meet ~15% of India’s gas demand

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and bp today announced the start of production from the Satellite Cluster gas field in block KG D6 off the east coast of India.

RIL and bp have been developing three deep-water gas developments in block KG D6 – R Cluster, Satellite Cluster and MJ – which together are expected to produce around 30 mmscmd (1 billion cubic feet a day) of natural gas by 2023, meeting up to 15% of India’s gas demand. The developments will each utilize the existing hub infrastructure in the KG D6 block. RIL is the operator of the block with a 66.67% participating interest and bp holds a 33.33% participating interest.

The Satellite Cluster is the second of the three developments to come onstream, following the start-up of R Cluster in December 2020. It had originally been scheduled to start production in mid-2021. The field is located about 60 km from the existing onshore terminal at Kakinada on the east coast of India in water depths of up to 1850 meters.

The field will produce gas from four reservoirs utilizing a total of five wells and is expected to reach gas production of up to 6 mmscmd. Together, the R Cluster and Satellite Cluster are expected to produce about 20% of India’s current gas production.

The third KG D6 development, MJ, is expected to come onstream towards the latter half of 2022.
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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McDermott Completes Reliance's KG-D6 R Cluster Project


HOUSTON, Jan. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- McDermott International, Ltd today announced it has completed the KG-D6 R Cluster subsea field development project and achieved pre-commissioning and ready for startup for Reliance Industries Ltd., in the Krishna Godavari Basin, located off the east coast of India.

"The safe and successful completion of Reliance's KG-D6 R Cluster project is a testament to McDermott's subsea experience in the Bay of Bengal," said Ian Prescott, McDermott's Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific. "Pre-commissioning and ready for startup was achieved despite difficult circumstances—two severe cyclones during the first campaign and, in the second, navigating the challenging conditions of COVID-19. It is an outstanding achievement and demonstrates McDermott's commitment to reliable execution."

For the KG-D6 R Cluster project, McDermott built a yard facility in India for the fabrication of risers, jumpers and marine logistics support. The project comprised two offshore campaigns. During the first campaign, the DLV 2000 completed McDermott's first piggy-back pipelay in S-lay mode (18-inch plus a four-inch) in 4,265 feet (1,300 meters) water depth. It also included the installation of the first ever ultra-deepwater structure, weighing 343 tons, for the DLV 2000. Several six-inch pipelines, PLETs and manifolds were installed in water depths up to 6,447 feet (1,965 meters). In addition, McDermott installed India's longest dual riser.

The second campaign included installation of manifolds, manifold piles, flowlines, PLETs (S-mode and J-mode), in-line structures, jumpers and umbilicals in ultra-deepwater depths, together with major brownfield modifications to Reliance's control and riser platform. Successful flowline and umbilical installation were completed in 6,561 feet (over 2,000 meters) water depth using McDermott vessels: DLV 2000; Lay Vessel 108; North Ocean 102.
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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McDermott Delivers Gas Field for Largest Subsea Project in Asia Pacific

First ever pipe-in-pipe flowline for production in India as part of ONGC's KG-DWN 98/2 project

HOUSTON, March 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Deploying more than 2,000 crew members, McDermott successfully navigated both the challenges of COVID-19 and an active monsoon season to deliver a gas field, known as the U-Field, for ONGC's KG-DWN 98/2 Block project.

"Completing this season of the Bay of Bengal campaign to deliver the gas field for ONGC, combined with our previous achievement of early first gas in 14 months, demonstrates McDermott's ability to deliver complex subsea projects in challenging circumstances," said Samik Mukherjee, McDermott's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

ONGC's KG-DWN 98/2 Block project, located in the Bay of Bengal off the east coast of India, is the largest and one of the most complex subsea projects in Asia Pacific, involving major subsea infrastructure installation in ultra-deepwater. McDermott is delivering two gas systems for ONGC's gas fields—U-Field and R-Field. The project is being executed in a consortium, with Larsen & Toubro Hydrocarbon Engineering (L&T HE) manufacturing the structures in India.

Upon completion, the gas field is expected to significantly increase domestic production, helping meet India's increasing energy demands while lowering reliance on imports. The project was delivered by a large, India-based project team, embracing the Indian government's Make in India initiative.

"The opening of the U1-B (GX-06) well in the DWN-98/2 block is a major milestone that we can all be immensely proud of," said Subramanian Sarma, Whole-time Director and Senior Executive Vice President (Energy), L&T, CEO and MD, L&T HE. "That we managed to achieve this despite extremely difficult project terrain and weather conditions even as a global pandemic raged on, speaks volumes of the resolve of the project teams. A testament to the combined synergies of all the consortium partners, this achievement will go a long way in ensuring project success and realizing ONGC's vision of harnessing India's rich energy reserves."

The U-Field is now connected to ONGC's Vashishtha subsea infrastructure, a project McDermott was recognized for in 2019 as EPC Contractor of the Year by the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry.

McDermott's vessels, including Derrick Barge 30, Derrick Lay Vessel 2000, the North Ocean 102 and Lay Vessel 105 (LV105) installed hundreds of miles of pipeline, 37 miles (60 kilometers) of umbilicals and nearly miles (16 kilometers) of flexible pipes.

"This is the fourth gas production milestone McDermott has delivered on the east coast of India in the last 18 months," said Mahesh Swaminathan, McDermott's Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific. "The company's diverse fleet brought significant efficiencies and achieved notable firsts during the offshore campaign. This campaign marked the first use of pipe-in-pipe insulation technology in an offshore India project. The LV105 also installed the first pipe-in-pipe production flowline in India as part of this campaign."

McDermott has achieved five million work hours without a lost-time injury on the project to date. The next phase of the project is scheduled to be executed in 2022.

L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering's Scope

All the structures for the KG-DWN 98/2 Cluster II development are being manufactured at L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering's Modular Fabrication Facility at Kattupalli (LTHE-MFFK) in Tamil Nadu. The U-Field gas manifold, installed in water depth of 4,593 feet (1,400 metres) and the associated subsea distribution unit are the first subsea production system structures manufactured in India and reflect the Consortium's commitment to the nation's "Aatmanirbhar Bharat" initiative for self-reliance.

In addition to these two key components of the U-Field completion, LTHE-MFFK also delivered SURF structures and served as a spoolbase facility for stalk fabrication and reeling of rigid pipelines, which have been installed to facilitate gas flow from the U-Field wells to the onshore terminal at Odalarevu.
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari

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Reliance-BP to get 'Ruby' from South Korea to boost KG-D6 gas output

MJ is the third and last of a set of discoveries that Reliance and its partner BP of UK are developing in the eastern offshore block. The two will use a floating production system at high-sea in the Bay of Bengal to bring to production the deepest gas discovery in the KG-D6 block. While R-Cluster has a plateau gas production of about 12.9 mmscmd, Satellite Cluster will have a peak output of 6 mmscmd.

Ruby, a floating production storage and offloading vessel destined for Reliance Industries Ltd's MJ deep-water oil and gas development project in KG-D6 block, has set sail from South Korea, partner BP plc's CEO Bernard Looney said.

MJ is the third and last of a set of discoveries that Reliance and its partner BP of UK are developing in the eastern offshore block. The two will use a floating production system at high-sea in the Bay of Bengal to bring to production the deepest gas discovery in the KG-D6 block.

"'Ruby' has just set sail for the 5000-km journey from South Korea to Kakinada, India where she'll help ramp up domestic gas production.

"I've been in this industry for many (many) years but the sheer size and engineering genius of vessels like this still amazes me. A big thanks to the teams at bp and Reliance Industries Limited, for making this happen safely and efficiently," Looney wrote in a LinkedIn post.

The MJ-1 gas find is located about 2,000 metres directly below the Dhirubhai-1 and 3 (D1 and D3) fields -- the first and the largest fields in KG-D6 block. MJ-1 is estimated to hold a minimum of 0.988 Trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of contingent resources. The field also has oil deposits which would be produced using a floating system, called FPSO.

"It is indeed a big achievement for the JV and we will not only increase gas production for the people of India, we will help the nation save close to USD 10 billion in import costs!

"On full operations we will be close to 30 per cent of India's gas production. This is a true proud moment for me and my extended RIL-bp team in India," Sashi Mukundan, bp India head, said replying to Looney's post.

The Ruby was built by South Korea's Samsung Heavy Industries, with the engineering, procurement, construction and installation contract awarded in 2019. The double-hulled vessel has a crude production capacity of 60,000 barrels per day and about 12.7 million cubic metres per day of gas.

Reliance and BP are spending about USD 5 billion on further development of KG-D6 through three different projects in block KG-D6 -- R Cluster, Satellite Cluster and MJ -- which together are expected to produce around 30 million standard cubic metres per day of natural gas by 2023.

R-Cluster started production in December 2020 and the Satellite Cluster came onstream in April last year. MJ is expected to come on stream before the end of the year.

While R-Cluster has a plateau gas production of about 12.9 mmscmd, Satellite Cluster will have a peak output of 6 mmscmd.

The MJ field will have a peak output of 12 mmscmd. Combined gas output from the R-Cluster and Satellite Cluster stood at more than 19 mmscmd during April-June quarter, according to Reliance.

Oil-to-telecom conglomerate RIL has so far made 19 gas discoveries in the KG-D6 block. Of these, D-1 and D-3 -- the largest among the lot -- were brought into production from April 2009 and MA, the only oilfield in the block, was put to production in September 2008.

While the MA field stopped producing in 2019, the output from D-1 and D-3 ceased in February 2020. Other discoveries have either been surrendered or taken away by the government for not meeting timelines for beginning production.

Reliance is the operator of the block with a 66.67 per cent participating interest and BP holds a 33.33 per cent stake.
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Re: [India] Krishna Godavari - KG D6 Ruby FPSO

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Reliance and bp commence production from third deepwater field in India’s KG D6 block
Release date: 30 June 2023
  • At its peak, production from the KG D6 block to account for one third of India’s domestic gas production

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and bp p.l.c. today confirmed the commencement of production from the MJ field, following testing and commissioning activities. The MJ field represents the last of three major new deepwater developments the RIL-bp consortium have brought into production in block KG D6 off the east coast of India.

The start of gas and condensate production from the MJ field follows the start-up of the R-Cluster field in December 2020 and Satellite Cluster in April 2021. All three developments utilise the existing hub infrastructure for the block.

Together, the three fields are expected to produce around 30 million standard cubic metres of gas a day (1 billion cubic feet a day) when MJ field reaches peak production. This is expected to account for around one third of India’s current domestic gas production and meet approximately 15% of India’s demand.

Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries Limited said: “We continue to be proud of our partnership with bp that combines our expertise in commissioning complex projects under some of the most challenging environments in the last few years. Alongside the other KG D6 fields, the MJ development truly supports the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Energy vision’ laid out by the Government of India.”

bp chief executive Bernard Looney added: “By safely bringing these new developments onstream, RIL and bp are making an important contribution to meeting India’s demand for secure supplies of gas. Our close strategic partnership with RIL now stretches back over 15 years and we are proud of how it continues to deepen – in gas, retail, aviation fuels and sustainable mobility solutions. Together we are helping to meet India’s growing energy needs, bringing the best of each partner to create real value.”

Discovered in 2013 and sanctioned in 2019, the MJ field is located in water depths of up to 1,200 metres about 30 kilometres from the existing onshore terminal at Gadimoga on the east coast of India.

MJ is a high Pressure and high Temperature (HPHT), gas & condensate field. The field will produce from eight wells and reach a peak gas production of around 12 MMSCMD gas and 25,000 barrels of condensate per day.

The development includes a new Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel – the ‘Ruby’ – to process and separate the condensate, gas, water, and impurities, before sending the gas onshore for sale. Condensate is stored on the FPSO before being offloaded to shuttle tankers for supply to Indian refineries.

RIL is the operator of the KG D6 block with a 66.67% participating interest and bp holds a 33.33% participating interest.
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