Sleipner Ocean Bottom Node Survey Completed, Delivering High-Resolution Data for North Sea Exploration

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Sleipner Ocean Bottom Node Survey Completed, Delivering High-Resolution Data for North Sea Exploration

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OLSO, Norway (12 December 2024) – TGS, a global leader in energy data and intelligence, in collaboration with joint venture partner Viridien, announces the successful completion and delivery of final processed data from the multi-client Sleipner Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) project.


The Sleipner OBN survey, the second of two dense multi-client OBN surveys acquired in the North Sea in 2023, covers 1,201 square kilometers in a mature region of the North Sea that includes the Sleipner East, Sleipner West, Gina Krog, Volve and Utgard fields, along with surrounding near-field exploration acreage - offering potential tiebacks to existing infrastructure.

Conducted between June and September 2023, the survey employed up to three node-handling vessels, three triple-source vessels and additional support vessels. The project recorded approx. 2.8 million shot points into a total of 80,769 node positions.

Final 60 Hz RTM seismic data (image courtesy of Viridien and TGS).

To achieve the survey objectives and produce the highest-quality dataset, project partner Viridien applied its advanced imaging technology, including its latest OBN processing techniques and time-lag full-waveform inversion (TL-FWI), to capture subsurface detail at all depths.

The imaged data shows substantial improvement in resolution and structural clarity over previous datasets, offering crucial insights into the region’s complex geology and reservoirs. This enhanced imaging, including depth-time conversion, will be valuable to explorers operating in the area for years to come.

The Sleipner OBN project, available now, is supported by industry funding.
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